Dysfunctional Relationships

Dysfunctional Relationships Counseling: Time to Live at Full Capacity

Are you feeling stuck in patterns of conflict, misunderstanding, or emotional distance in your relationships? Are you tired of constantly living in the crisis zone?

Relationships are one of the most crucial parts of our life. Let’s face it, sometimes they can be hard. When we are struggling with the ones closest to us, it makes everything else in life an uphill battle. 

Therapy is an amazing tool to help you navigate these challenges to get out of having a life of the Monday’s and create connections with the right people.

As an attachment specialist and connection guru, I help clients learn to advocate for themselves and building deeper connections with the people they love. This journey is also about eliminating the self sacrifice to make everyone else happy and learning to truly show up for you. You deserve to live at your fullest potential. 

I know that story too well of planning the world’s best speech or text to your partner, parent, adult child, or friend yet it never lands how you expected. Things always seem to get worse rather than better. 

My therapy ninja skills include:

  1. Playing hardcore detective (to help us both understand what is going on behind the scenes)
  2. Dot connecting (reminding you of what you said three months ago and how it is showing up again in a different way)
  3. Theme catching (I believe humans really only have a couple of problems that look different at the surface level)
  4. Building authenticity (no more hiding who you are or what you need). You will learn to think and act for yourself.

Therapists tend to be these mystical creatures who nod their head and you really have no idea who they are or what they think. In order to get you to show up as a real human, I first must be a real human. I call this modeling. 

When we are live wearing costumes to appease everyone else, we get exhausted. The last thing we need is to feel that way in therapy

This will become your favorite time of the week, where you can take a deep breath and just tell me how it really is.

Are you ready to have a life of rewarding relationships that only contain purposes that are truly serving you?

If you are exhausted from a life of mediocrity, you are in the right place. 

With our work together, you receive the benefit of over a decade of specialized training in attachment and the “okay” relationships.

Full warning label here, as we do the hard work and you grow into the person you are meant to be, the people in your life may shift or even be nonexistent. 

NEWS FLASH: Choosing to do what is best for you (despite what you were taught) is not selfish. Learning to advocate for what is best for your life is one of the best things you can learn how to do. 

What do you want? What do you need? What is best for you? Oh you don’t want to go on that vacation or spend your holidays with certain people, well you can lose that fear of self-sacrifice. These are simple questions that many people do not know how to answer or do for themselves. And what the hell happens when you stand up for what is important to you? Spoiler Alert: some people may not stick around once you are living for yourself and not them anymore. Trust me, some things will not change, and it’s unnecessary to keep prolonging the inevitable. 

We will first do everything we can to save or recreate those relationships. I am a big supporter in trying “all the keys” first before making a decision to leave a 10 year relationship, terminate a 20 year friendship, or decide to go no contact with certain family members.  

I promise to always help you see your blindspots and part of the dysfunction in any relationship. Let’s get you SOLID first and then re-evaluate everything else you have going on in your life. 

If you find yourself just getting by and not truly living at your max potential, I can help you find the life leadership skills you need to kick ass at life. 

Therapy with me means putting yourself back together again or maybe together for the first time in your life. 

At the end of the day, we all way the same thing: Connection, Compassion, a Sense of Belonging, & Love. You deserve no less, ever!


Schedule your free consultation!

Dysfunctional Relationships Therapy: Breaking Free from Chaos

We will spend a lot of time talking about your personal culture. Family culture is everything you learned on how to deal with life. Social culture is everything you are following because that’s what we are supposed to be doing, right? These lessons defines how we handle our jobs, friendships, own parenting, and especially our most intimate relationships. Chances are some of those lessons are not serving you and are actually your largest obstacle. 

This is not about blaming anyone, but rather protocol to help you understand how you are standing in your own way. Generations ago, people did not have the emotional language and tools to handle life. I consider these eras as the “silent generations”. They did not know how to think or feel for themselves. And these were your teachers! 

You want to start college at 28 instead of 18? Perfect! No one has any business picking out a lifelong career at 18 anyway. 

You don’t want to have children or ever get married? That’s all okay too! Therapy here is all about embracing your authenticity and not even giving space for the social/family rebuttals. 

We continue doing all that we know but it just isn’t enough anymore. Silently living through toxic relationships are a thing of the past! Are you ready to be ahead in the game of life?

Are you unsure if your relationship is continuing to meet your needs? Are you exhausted after spending time with friends? Are you terrified of upsetting a family member? If any of these are true, you are in the right place. 

Don’t let relationship challenges continue to cause pain and frustration. Take the drivers seat of healing by reaching out. I am committed to supporting you on your journey towards healthier, happier relationships with yourself and those important people in your life. Yes there may be some loss along the way; however it is truly a new door opening as you are making space in your life for a Tribe of like-minded people. 

With this work, it is so important to go with a specialist in attachment and who truly understands where you are coming from and where you want to go. 

Reach out today for a free 20 minute confidential consultation to determine if we are a good fit for one another. 

Email:  [email protected]

Hours:  By Appointment Only. Currently have limited availability.