
Online Counseling for Authenticity

Your gut keeps telling you something isn’t right but you can’t quite but your finger on it. There may have been countless days of “googling” to try to figure out what is wrong with you. All you can see at this point is you are not living up to expectations and this terrible feeling is nonstop.

How many years have you spent emotionally beating yourself up for not being perfect? It is a vicious cycle: unrealistic expectations, ruminating thoughts about how it should go, desperately needing approval, obsessing over potential mistakes, and then doubting the entire thing. 

Have you fallen onto the trap of unrealistic expectations for yourself and others? I know this leaves you feeling helpless and fearful that life will never work itself out the way you envisioned it. 

Do you notice a pattern of helping or healing others in your life to prove your own worth? Are you constantly seeking external validation instead of finding it internally. 

You are your own worst critic and enemy. Situations become huge obstacles and prevent you from living a life that you love.

How about constant comparison to everyone else? The influences are countless saying you are not good enough. You are: too tall or short, too thin or heavy, talk too much or not enough, make too much money or not enough. It truly is a losing battle.  

There is an endless desire to feel better about ourselves because deep down, you know it’s just not good enough.  

Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual. And let’s face it, you are feeling pretty lost right now.

Together, we will work on creating some new muscle memories in this area of your life. Remember it is not a flip of a switch. It is a process that takes place over time. Actually, it is more like a life-long journey.

Can you imagine reaching a point of believing no matter what gets done or isn’t done,  you truly believe you are still enough.

I can help you find your internal self-acceptance. Rather than ignoring your fears, you will face them head-on. You can determine how your life story will end.

Together, we will address the limitations and fears you have created in your life. You will take the control. You are here today because you want better.  And you deserve better.

Let me help you get out of your own head.

It is my goal to see you full of courage, have self-compassion, and a new inner connection to yourself.

Reach out today to get started on fearless living.

Schedule your free consultation!


Perfectionism is like running an endless marathon

The constant fear of making mistakes is exhausting and prevents you from being the best version of YOU. Vulnerability can be harsh and gets in the way of discovering your authentic self.

I hope you are going to let me inside your head to see that relentless inner critic who tells you every day how much you suck. I know how to call BS on that voice and help you take back your life.

This cycle can lead to complete avoidance or even feeling paralyzed. I promise the biggest obstacle you have is you standing in your own way. It is totally okay to laugh at the messiness while you get your shit together.

Oh, and the burnout is REAL!  It can be absolutely debilitating to try so hard every day to make everything perfect. Let’s get to the core of what drives your perfectionism and reassess that belief system you have been carrying for a decade or more.

Co-dependency is a vicious trap of people pleasing but getting nowhere

What will people think? It’s finding yourself fixated on a “standardized” goal of how things should look externally. It’s that constant “should-ing” yourself to be like everyone else. It’s the lying or hiding parts of yourself out of the fear of repulsing other people.

It is secretly faking it all the time.

It stands in the way of making decisions for yourself and constantly conforming to those social norms.

It is the embedded feelings of inadequacy that never go away.

It leaves you paralyzed. Even when you have accomplished something major, it’s still not enough.

Shame is brutal and leaves you burying and carrying it for years.

Are you tired of telling yourself “I’ll be happy when ……”

Imposter Syndrome is your worst enemy

Let’s go ahead and give that monster a name! He/she has been filling your head full of crap for so long that you actually believe it. 

She keeps you in hiding. Trust me, I know that fear of believing you are a failure and it is only a matter of time before everyone else sees it.

He laughs at you every day when you think about asking for that promotion.

This whole “I don’t really belong here, it’s not possible to ever reach that goal, and I will soon be exposed” is the furthest from the truth. This is your manufactured self. 

When people have the confidence to show up as themselves, things just happen. Trust me, you are already enough and things change when you truly believe that.

Time to take off those Costumes: Halloween is only once per year

One of my favorite processes of therapy is seeing client’s take off ALL their costumes and show me who they truly are. That’s right, I already know about those costumes that you may not even know exist.

Most of us have an internal closet full of metaphorical costumes that we put on as we interact in the world. They are heavy, stinky and we can barely breathe in them. The deepest fear is normally being truly seen by anyone. There is so much doubt of being accepted or loved if people knew how we really felt or thought.

I promise you that your “Tribe” will always love you unconditionally. There is no reason to keep holding on to things that are not serving you. This all starts with shedding that costume with me, and then we will show the world who you truly are. You will finish this process being the badass you were meant to be.

I am going into the closet with you.

I can tell you about this metaphorical closet you know nothing about so just hear me out. Your pain and shame is like a closet. You have been stuffing all of your shit into for as long as you can remember.

Every time you don’t want to look at or feel something, you opened the door and threw it in there.

And guess what?  Now it’s full and this is why you are here and feel so flooded right now. 

So here is what we are going to do! The next couple of months going to be like a Hoarders marathon. I am going in with you. We are going to sit in that closet and dig through everything until it feels better again. 

Let’s work together to get you into the Safe Zone.

Schedule your free consultation!

Online Therapy for Authenticity

It is possible that the perfection-seeking people-pleasing behaviors have led you down a dark path that has made you angry with yourself and everyone around you.

This cycle has exhausted you and you are probably looking for the secret potion to make it all go away.  There are so many layers to peel away.

You are here because you have had enough of this feeling of self-doubt and are tired of living behind the scenes of your own life. You want to stop pretending and perfecting everything but have no idea where to even start.

I know that you want to stand on your own two feet and know that you are enough all on your own.  That it is unnecessary to keep sugar-coating yourself for the approval of others.

It is time to let go of all those layers of self-protection and show the world who you truly are. It is about embracing exactly who you are and where you are in life right now. Let’s work on getting you a Ph.D. in Self Love.

Are you ready to stop doing everything for everyone else and learn to live for you? 

Schedule your free consultation!

Change can be challenging.

As you begin your work, please keep these things in mind:

  • No one is perfect. It is okay to make mistakes, it means you are human. You don’t have to be perfect. No one really is.
  • Come to terms that you are not in control of what others do. It sometimes becomes frustrating when we begin to change, and others don’t. Remember: you can only be responsible for yourself.
  • Practice setting limits and boundaries with others. It is okay to say “no” to anything you do not want to do. Stop forcing yourself to go to dinner with the person you aren’t crazy about or attend that dreadful Christmas party.
  • You do not owe anyone an explanation. No is no. Only give further explanation if you truly want to
  • Begin thinking for yourself. What would you like to happen? How would you like to see your life a year from now? What do you want and need?
  • Be prepared for backtracking. You have been a big ole faker your entire life, so expect some moments of weakness and falling into your old ways.
  • Loved ones are used to the old you. Expect some adverse reactions from others and be prepared for how you will remain in control and keep yourself protected.

Schedule your free consultation!

So, What Do I Do Now?

Therapy does not represent a broken person.  The willingness to reach out to a trained professional indicates you feel you deserve to be the best version of yourself. Therapy is guidance on how to rebuild yourself.

This is your opportunity to take a step back from the world. For the first time, learn to think about yourself and own needs. Let’s create space to grieve for things you were never allowed to feel. Healing from the events that never quite felt right. It is okay to let go of those times you told yourself you were overreacting or wrong for feeling. You are doing the best you possibly know how to do, so far. 

Imagine a safe space where you are understood and respected unconditionally. Where you can show your chaotic, imperfect life and receive compassion and warmth. A place where you can learn to understand yourself and share how shitty your day really has been.

When you’re lost and you don’t know where to go. You feel isolated and your gut feeling is telling you that something has to change. You are at that point in life that you don’t know who to trust or where to go for help, I can help! Start with scheduling a free 20 minute consultation so we can discuss your specific needs and determine if we are a good fit.

You have been painting a different picture for yourself and others your entire life. It’s not necessary anymore. Visualize a new time in your life where you don’t have to pretend. It is okay that your kids, spouse, job, home (whatever it is) isn’t perfect but you just proudly show up as YOU. Just take a deep breath and tell me how it really is. You have come to the right place, I am ready for us to be authentic together.

Email:  [email protected]

Hours:  By Appointment Only. Currently have limited availability.