Emotional Stability

Online Emotional Stability Counseling

Hey you! Are you exhausted from feeling emotionally constipated? 

Do you feel like you are the only one struggling? The only one who isn’t sleeping at night and spending countless hours over-analyzing situations and every decision? Everyone else seems to just get through life easily. 

You want to stop that nagging chatter in your head which is sabotaging but have no idea where to even start. This flawed view of yourself and lack of self-esteem has become exhausting. You’re not the voices in your head; you are the listener. No matter how loud that voice is, trust that you are where you are for a reason. Now it’s time to start making sense of how you got to this place.

We all have inaccurate, negative self-talk we habitually hang onto and so strongly believe. It limits us from honestly and clearly seeing and experiencing ourselves, others, and moments.

Therapy should be about exposing those blind spots. It paves a path to your inner world you didn’t know was there, or has terrified you from even thinking about. It takes so much courage after we have run out of options and are forced to truly look at ourselves.

Welcome to being a human being where negative life experiences are unavoidable. Sometimes these experiences change how we see ourselves or the world. We believe them, follow them, become emotionally entangled in them. The emotional instability changes our mood or even our behavior. And the worst part, they cause us to doubt ourselves.

One brief moment can be entirely life-changing. Hypnotherapy is recommended to identify and correct these events. You are able to fully see yourself and understand how you became the person you are today.

I recognize the fantasy of one day I will be happy! It is time to stop thinking “I will be happy when —— happens” and learn to be happy today, damn it.

Many of us are “bottlers” and struggle to move on from those brutal thoughts and emotions. “What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I just be happy? It’s too late now, I’ve been like this my entire life”. That’s right, I know your inner-most fears!

Negative emotions are not bad to have. I am a master at helping people go from dodging emotions to feeling our entire way through them. 

We all feel like shit sometimes, and there are days you may feel like shit more than usual. I promise you that your emotions are not going to kill you.

I can teach you survival skills. You can learn to be okay sitting in the dark for a while until the storm passes. 

Schedule your free consultation!

Online Emotional Stability Therapy

Back in the day when I was in therapy, I mostly focused on trying not to cry. It was humiliating to leave my therapist’s office and walk into a lobby of people staring at my red face. This made the entire experience so much worse. This is why I love offering online therapy so my clients have an opportunity to cry as much as they need to with no worries and take as much time as needed after their session before having to return to the rest of the world.

If you set a goal of never feeling a negative feeling you will not succeed. It’s impossible! Even the most emotionally balanced person cries, feels rage, feels anxiety, and deals with ups and downs. These emotional upheavals are normal. Hell, I have a good cry at least once a week. So just trust the process, it will be okay.

My super power is helping uncomfortable people become comfortable. You can learn from these times and use them to guide you to self-compassion and being in touch with your most pertinent values. I am somewhat of an Emotional Handyman and can help you gain the skills/tools when things break. The life strategy is learning to get through the storms because they will always be lurking.

Part of being a human being is needing guidance for those stubborn areas that still make us doubt ourselves. We all have these trigger areas but no one talks about it. When you realize the limits you put on yourself are quite meaningless, you begin to free yourself of all that negative chatter in your head.

Picture a life where your personal satisfaction is unconditional. It means you don’t need anything to change or be different for you to be happy. You can learn to say “it is what it is” and move on with your day rather than over-analyzing it for the next 7 hours. Let’s get you to a place where you can accept that shit happens and learn to roll with it. It is a total game changer.

Don’t wait until tomorrow, next week or next month. You have been miserable long enough.

Reach out today for a free 20 minute consultation to determine if we are a good fit for one another.

Email:  [email protected]

Hours:  By Appointment Only. Currently have limited availability.